Mingyu Park

I'm a Master's student of Robotics program at KAIST in South Korea, advised by Prof. Donghwan Lee.

My research goal is to build real‑world robots that can perform control tasks with human‑level abilities and generalize to unseen situations using artificial general intelligence (AGI). I’m especially interested in developing practical methods for sequential decision‑making problems. My current mission toward this goal is to devise a general method that can recover an expert policy from static datasets under high‑dimensional sensory input.


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Research interest

Formally, my research interest interleaves between offline reinforcement learning, self‑supervised learning, and foundation models. I'm also interested in research topics about physical intelligence that may enable robots to understand the underlying physical rules of the real-world.


Computational Cost Reduction Method for HQP-based Hierarchical Controller for Articulated Robot
Mingyu Park, Dongwhan Kim, Yongwhan Oh, Yisoo Lee
KROS, 2022
project page

Reduced hierarchical quadratic programming (rHQP) is an optimal real-time controller for articulated redundant dual-arm manipulators. rHQP solves about x2.44 faster than the conventional HQP on average.


Kwangwoon University (Mar. 2017 - Feb. 2023)

B.S. in Robotics Engineering
Military service (Mar. 2018 - Nov. 2019)

KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) (Mar. 2023 - Now)

M.S. in Robotics Program

Work experiences

KIST (Jun. 2021 - Dec. 2021)

Undergraduate Research Assistant advised by Dr. Yisoo Lee.
Implemented an optimal control system of the fixed‑base redundant dual‑arm manipulators.

SNU (Seoul National University) (Jan. 2022 - Oct. 2022)

Undergraduate Research intern advised by Prof. Jaeheung Park.
Researched a mobile robot navigation system using SLAM and extended Kalman filter.

Check details at project page!

Extracurricular activities

BARAM (Academic Robotics Club) (Mar. 2020 - Feb. 2023)

Gained academic knowledge related to robotics such as computer vision and control engineering. Gained expertise in crafting a robot from scratch and insight to analyze complex systems. Obtained leadership and supervised group members serving as club director.

Check details at project page!

International Elite Summer School in Robotics & Entrepreneurship (Aug. 2023).

Participated a summer school in Denmark funded by The Novo Nordisk Foundation and Odense Municipality. Learn advanced technologies for designing robotic systems and entrepreneurship in robotic startup companies. Enlarge an international network with brilliant students from various countries. Also visited some of the leading Danish robotics companies like Universal Robots.

Scholarships & Awards


Kwangwoon Dream
(Mar. 2017 - Feb. 2018): Half tuition of admission scholarship for undergraduate studies.
Academic Excellence Scholarship
(Sep. 2020 - Feb. 2021): Quarter tuition for undergraduate studies.
(Mar. 2021 - Aug. 2021): Full tuition for undergraduate studies.
(Sep. 2021 - Feb. 2022): Half tuition for undergraduate studies.
(Sep. 2022 - Feb. 2023): Half tuition for undergraduate studies.
KAIST Support Scholarship
(Mar. 2023 - Feb. 2025): Full tuition and living expenses support for graduate studies.


Dean's list
Feb. 2021: Academic excellence award for undergraduate studies.
Sep. 2021: Academic excellence award for undergraduate studies.
Sep. 2021: Academic excellence award for undergraduate studies.

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